Explain the significance of each field in the/etc/passwd file in Linux? 3.3. The /etc directory The /etc maintains a lot of files. Some of them are described below. For others, you should determine which program they belong to and read the manual page for that program. Many networking configuration files are in /etc as well, and are described in the Networking Administrators' Guide . /etc/rc or /etc/rc.d or /etc/rc?.d Scripts or directories of scripts to run at startup or when changing the run level. See Section 2.3.1 for further information. /etc/passwd The user database, with fields giving the username, real name, home directory, and other information about each user. The format is documented in the passwd manual page. /etc/shadow /etc/shadow is an encrypted file the holds user passwords. /etc/fdprm Floppy disk parameter table. Describes what different floppy disk formats l...
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